Risk-appetite calculator – "How much risk can I comfortably take?"

Stock markets are great for returns, but not for those faint of heart. Even for those with a psyche that supports risk-seeking behavior, should you go all in on stock markets? Factors like age, dependents, and financial information determine how much of your assets should be invested in stock markets and how much should be parked in low-risk vehicles. The objective is to find the right balance – the allocation which gives you a low-stress path to achieving your investment goals.

This risk-profile questionnaire will help answer some of these questions.

This questionnaire is designed to estimate your willingness and ability to take risks.

Please answer the following questions on your own, and truthfully. There is no right answer.

The answers will remain confidential.

As per SEBI regulations, completing a risk-profile assessment is mandatory before any advice or free trial is provided by an investment advisor.

By completing this questionnaire, you are consenting to the responses being used solely for making an assessment of your risk-profile.

Once completed, your risk-profile assessment will also be shared with you.

Personal information

Please enter your contact details. We will neither store this information, nor spam you.

You expect to continue in the same field of work.

Even if something causes you to quit your current job/business, you believe that you would be able to find employment/another business opportunity using your current skillset.

You expect to change your career-path

You think your organization’s future is uncertain.

You think you may be fired from your job.

You may need to resign from your job.

You have another equally or more dependable source of income lined up even if something goes wrong with your current source of income.

None of the above options fit your situation.

Financial information

Family information

For example, if you and your spouse are equally financially responsible for your 3 children, you are responsible for 3*0.5 = 1.5 children.